Will Mosquito Netting Let Rain Thru For My Garden
The May issue of Growing for Market is out, including my article about protecting crops in the summer, using shadecloth and insect mesh (netting).
If you want to grow lots of summer crops in buggy places, net houses (hoophouses covered with insect mesh rather than poly) may be your answer. If the bugs are not tiny, small mesh shade cloth may be an even better choice than insect mesh, because it cools while keeping the critters out. Search for project FS13-275 at http://www.southernsare.org.The document High Tunnel Pest Exclusion System: A novel strategy for organic crop production in the south is available from a link in that report.

Photo Nina Gentle
I write about using shade cloth for cool weather crops like lettuce during the summer, and also about research into the improvements to yields of peppers when using shadecloth. 30% shade cloth can increase pepper yields by 100% (yes, double the yield!). See the University of Georgia paper Shading helps south Georgia pepper farmers beat the heat. For hot weather lettuce, we use 45-60% shade cloth on spring hoops 6-8 feet apart, with a plastic clothespin to attach it at each hoop. Shadecloth lets air through better than row cover does, so it's less likely to blow away. We don't use any weight to hold the edges down. We keep the shade cloth on for 2-3 weeks after transplanting, then move it on to the next planting, in a single operation. 2 or 3 people pull up the hoops with the shade cloth still attached, and parade it like a Chinese dragon procession.
We cover our hoophouse from mid-May to mid-September with shadecloth.
Photo Kathryn Simmons
Rowcover (white polypro or polyester non-woven fabric) is often used by growers in cold weather to extend the season. There are also lightweight rowcovers for insect exclusion. These can be fragile, and holey row cover doesn't keep insects out! We switched to only buying thick rowcover and use it for some crops even in summer. It doesn't heat up as much as people fear. Johnnys Seeds has a helpful row cover comparison chart

Photo by Bridget Aleshire
But even better for protecting plants against bugs in summer is ProtekNet, a translucent polyamide (nylon) fabric which comes in different mesh sizes. it allows better airflow than rowcover, and better light permeability (from the plants' perspective) – visibility from the human perspective. Dubois offers free shipping on online orders over $200. ProtekNet is also available from Purple Mountain Organics in Maryland, andJohnnys Seeds in Maine.
Also in this issue of Growing for Market Jane Tanner writes about the benefits of no-till farming, in building topsoil, encouraging soil micro-organisms and reducing weed pressure. She writes about several farms, all following the model of small acreage, intensively farmed, mostly with manual tools. This system, advocated by Jean-Martin Fortier in The Market Gardener, includes "occultation", the practice of covering damp soil with heavy black plastic for several weeks to kill weeds. This article includes photos of occultation and a clear explanation. Cover crops are another important feature of this system. I found this a particularly information-packed article, one I will return to.
Karin Tifft writes about IPM tools (Integrated Pest Management) for small and organic farms, making the topic accessible to those of us with only a short amount of reading time! We can read enough now to make some actual differences to our pest levels. Later we'll want to read more, as results pile up.
Nikki Warner writes with advice for managing a farmers market, and Ralph Thurston and Jeriann Sabin write about starting a flower farm (Excerpted from their book Deadhead: The Bindweed Way to Grow Flowers with their permission.)
We sowed our first corn on Thursday. the soil temperature was 60F, so we were OK on that score. But then it rained and rained. The soil is saturated. I wonder if the corn seed will rot in the ground? Also the bean we sowed last week. Was I too hasty? We'll see.
Meanwhile, a cheery sight has been the flowering crimson clover cover crop

Photo by Bridget Aleshire
This patch is where our fall broccoli was last year. We under-sowed with a mix of crimson clover, Ladino white clover and medium red clover. If you look closely you can see the white patterned leaves of the red clover and the tiny leaves of the white clover in the understory. Also the seeding chickweed, which will disappear as soon as we bush hog the patch. Our goal here is to maintain the clovers all year, adding nitrogen to the soil for next year's food crop and swamping the weeds. We'll mow every time it looks weedy.

Photo by McCune Porter
In this second picture, you can see a patch where we sowed winter rye mixed with crimson clover in late October as a winter cover crop. In most places the rye is taller than the clover, so it's not as overwhelmingly pretty as the first patch, but it's packing a lot of biomass to feed the soil. It will get disked in soon (when the soil dries enough!), in preparation for later sweet corn sowings.
Will Mosquito Netting Let Rain Thru For My Garden
Source: https://www.sustainablemarketfarming.com/tag/using-shadecloth-and-insect-mesh-netting/
Posted by: seasedeaders50.blogspot.com
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